15. Januar 2011

Schweizer Dorf fordert Einschläferung bei Steuerflucht

Die Verwaltung des Schweizer Dorfes Reconvilier zieht in Erwägung, zukünftig Hunde einschläfern zu lassen, deren Halter nicht die jährliche Steuer von umgerechnet etwa 39 Euro zahlen. Diese Maßnahme soll angeblich dazu dienen, Hunderttausende Euro ausstehender Steuergelder einzutreiben, so Behördenvertreter Pierre-Alain Nemitz. Dieser beziehe sich bei der Forderung auf ein Gesetz aus dem Jahr 1904, welches der Dorfgemeinschaft erlaubt, Hunde zu töten, deren Besitzer nicht zahlen wollen. Laut Niemitz solle die Wiedereinführung des Gesetzes keine Massenhinrichtung sein, sondern nur Druck auf unwillige Bürger ausüben. 

Weshalb sollen Vierbeiner mit ihrem Leben für etwas bezahlen, für das sie gar nichts können? Sind erhöhte Geldstrafen oder eine Strafanzeige denn keine wirkungsvolle Alternative, um Hundehalter endlich zum Zahlen zu bringen?! Hoffentlich lassen sich Nemitz und seine Dorfgemeinschaft ihre herzlose Idee nochmals durch den Kopf gehen, denn ein liebenswertes Tier mit der Todesstrafe für die Steuerflucht seines Halters zu bestrafen, ist absolut geschmacklos! 

Read this article in English here:

The administration of the Swiss village of Reconvilier considers the death penalty for dogs, whose owners do not pay the annual taxes of about 39 Euro. This measure is supposed to be used to collect hundred thousands of Euros of outstanding taxes, so the official representative Pierre-Alain Nemitz. The demand relates to a law from 1904, which allowed the village residents to kill dogs whose owners were not willing to pay. According to Nemitz, the reintroduction of the law should not be seen as a mass execution, but only as a form of pressure on recalcitrant citizens.

Why should pets pay with their life for something they are not responsible for? Are increasing fines or criminal charges not an effective alternative to make dog owners pay?! Hopefully, Nemitz and his community think about their heartless idea one more time, because punishing a lovely animal with the death penalty for the tax evasion of his owner is absolutely disgraceful!

13 Kommentare:

  1. Wo wird das noch hinführen? Und das im 21.Jahrhundert.
    Herzliche Grüße eine absolute Tierliebhaberin

  2. Just hopping on by via SPBH. You have a great blog, some lovely photos too. If you have some spare time please come and say hello to me too.
    Helen x

  3. Are you saying that residents are taxed if they have a dog? In the US, those who rent apartments must pay a "pet fee" for each pet who lives with their owner but if the fee is not paid the owner will be made to vacate the property. I think taxing a dog owner is far worse because the animals suffer (and die) because their owner is irresponsible.
    I am following your blog via the blog hop!

  4. Das ist ja echt der HAMMER. Es läuft ja schon auf Tierquälerei hinaus. Mir kommt die Galle hoch :-(((((
    Was können die armen Tier dafür, dass die Besitzer zahlungsunwillig sind.

    Liebe Grüße

  5. This issue is getting a lot of coverage in the Unites States. Good luck in getting it overturned.

  6. This is just so sad. I sure hope there can be a much better solution.

  7. Woof! Woof! We heard this on the news ... hope there' a better alternative/solution.
    Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. I had heard the news a couple of days ago and it's horrifying. I truly hope that shedding light on the issue will act as a disinfectant.

    Thanks so much for Blogging the Change. I hope it happens for these dogs soon.


  9. This is ridiculous! Are they crazy??? Dogs have more sense than they do, apparently!!

  10. Thanks for posting this!! It's totally ridiculous! I hope they find a better solution!!

  11. It's amazing what is done to raise money any more. It doesn't matter where you live.

  12. What a horrifying law. So disgraceful that animals would be used as pawns.
